Saturday, November 16, 2024

Roman not-jewelry

I've been making a ton of Roman jewelry, but don't have anything to wear it with. So I'm working on fixing that. I bought three silk saris, and have a ton of lightweight linen on hand. The first sari I'm working with is my last favorite, having a pattern on it. In working with all borrowed research here, so I've been told both that the pattern is correct, and also that it's not. I think it may be correct for a certain era of Greek, but I'm shooting for 4th century Roman. I'm not too futzed about it, as this is basically a test run. A hopefully wearable test run. 

As I said, I'm working with borrowed research. Dulcia's Roman Closet and Romana Sum have been very helpful resources online, and Duchess Livia, OL, An Tir, has been a great real life resource. I'm also just using my own sewing instincts, which may or may not be correct. Actually, they're almost assuredly not "correct" because the Romans were working with woven to size fabric. Nice selvage edges. I'm working with cut fabric, which means I've done a tiny rolled hem on all the edges. I'm also working with relatively narrow fabric, so no tubes available. 

Nothing is done yet, but I find this photo very satisfying. You can see the rolled hem as well as the actual seam stitching, which is whip stitch. Also, yes, this is the posture in which I usually sew. The blog is not called "Sits Like a Lady."

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